About, Accommodation, Travel
- Conference site: Cultural and conference centre Logomo in the downtown
- Gala dinner in the medieval castle of Turku/Åbo
- Post-conference excursion
- The most prestigeous conference in chemical reaction engineering Around 400 participants expected from all over the world An event of European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE), Working Party of Chemical Reaction Engineering (WP CRE). Tradition since 1957!
- Turku/Åbo has a large accommodation capacity with several hotels in the downtown area
- Scandic Hotel Julia, Scandic Hotel Plaza, Scandic Hotel Hamburger Börs. For room reservation at Scandic Hotels, give please the code CCON
- Sokos Hotel Wiklund , Solo Sokos Hotel Turun Seurahuone. For room reservation at Sokos Hotel Wiklund and Sokos Hotel Seurahuone, give please the code BISCRE24 (The code is valid for room bookings June 16-19, if you need extra days you have to make a separate booking for those).
- Hotel Centro .
- Less expensive B&B accommodation is available, please consult
- Turku/Åbo is easily accessible by flight (local airport in Turku and Helsinki airport, direct flights to Turku from Stockholm, Riga, Gdansk, Rome…, ),
- Ferryboat from Stockholm to Turku Viking Line, Silja Line
- Train from Helsinki airport. From Helsinki airport take the local train towards Helsinki, change to the Turku train at Pasila station. Please note the Helsinki-Turku train ends at Turku Kupittaa station, due to a bridge construction work. You can buy tickets from ticket machines at the airport train platform or from the online the web page. The Turku Kupittaa station is 2 km by walking from the city centre (market square), walk, take a local Bus or a Taxi
- Bus from Helsinki/Helsinki airport. If you take the bus from the Helsinki airport to Turku, for some tours you have to change bus at a stop on the Helsinki-Turku highway, the driver will tell you where. Get off the bus att Turku Tuomiokirkko (the Dome), the Hotels are on walking distance from this stop. If you need a Taxi goto the next stop (Bus station). The Bus station is very close to the conference site Logomo.
- Local transport in Turku "Foli". Pay with contactless payment or cash in the Bus
- Finland is a bilingual Schengen country, member of European Union, Nordic Council and NATO
- Pay with euro, pay with credit card
Scientific Programme
Special Issue of Chemical Engineering Journal
Plenary and keynote lecturers
- Are selected emphasizing the topics of the conference and the global dimension of chemical reaction engineering
- Full travel support will be provided to plenary speakers (hotel, fligths, other transport)
- No participation fee for plenary and keynote speakers
Plenary speakers
- Professor Vemuri Balakotaiah (University of Houston TX): Reactor design and scale-up for CO2 free manufacturing, CO2 capture and conversions
- Professor Dame Lynn Gladden (University of Cambridge UK): Tomographic techniques in chemical engineering
- Dr Carlo Perego (IT): Circular economy: renewable fuels from waste
- Professor Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern (Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme, Magdeburg DE): Improved provision of pure enantiomers by coupling separation, racemizaton and recycling processes
Keynote speakers
- Professor Ville Alopaeus (Aalto University): Modelling of biomass refining processes with classical chemical reaction engineering methods – challenges and opportunities
- Professor Ivan Cornejo (Universidad Tecnico Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso): Application of CFD in chemical reaction engineering
- Professor Blaz Likozar (Kemijski Institut, Ljubljana): Modelling-based catalytic bio-refining reaction engineering
- Dr Soudabeh Saeid (California Institute of Technology Caltech, Pasadena): New technologies for the removal of pharmaceuticals from waste waters
- Professor Frantisek Stepanek (Vysoka Skola Chemicko-Technologicka, Prague): Remote control of reaction-diffusion processes in drug delivery
- Professor Claude de Bellefon (CPE-Lyon): Could you do more with segmented flow?
- Dr Xander Nijhuis (SABIC): Alkane dehydrogenation optimization by heat management in the Catofin process
- Dr Carine Julcour (INP-ENSIACET Toulouse, CNRS): Multi-scale approach for the analysis and assessment of heat-exchanger monolith reactor dedicated to catalytic gas-liquid reactions
- Professor Luis Miguel Madeira (Universidade do Porto): Cyclically-integrated CO2 capture and conversion into synthetic natural gas
- Dr Pierdomenico Biasi (Casale): Harmony in Innovation: Integrating Sustainable Practices into Chemical Reaction Engineering
- Dr Andrea Gutierrez (UPM-Kymmene): Pioneering sustainable fuels and materials for a future beyond fossils
- Dr Niklas Bergvall (RISE, Piteå): Continuous slurry hydroprocessing of biobased fast pyrolysis oil
- Professor Juan Garcia Serna (Universidad de Valladolid): Supercritical water reaction applied to biomass
- Dr Ahmad Kalantar (Neste): Biofuels technologies and opportunities - Role of catalysis in refinery transformation
- Professor Henrik Saxén (Åbo Akademi University): Modelling and simulation of hydrogen reduction of iron ore in a direct reduction furnace
Oral and Poster presentations and access to abstracts
- Oral presentations: 17 minutes + 3 min for questions. Presentation format: Microsoft Powerpoint on the PC (Microsoft Windows) in the lecture hall. Please upload your presentation on the computer in the lecture room in time before your presentation.
- Poster presentations: Stands suitable for A0 portrait size poster. Posters will be on display during the whole conference. Participants with poster presentation should be at their poster during the poster sessions. The poster stands will be marked with poster numbers. Please find your poster number in the poster program and put your poster on the correct poster stand.
- Access to the abstracts of the Oral and Poster presentations.
Topics of the conference and Scientific Programme
- Fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering
- Bridging molecular modelling, thermodynamics and kinetics
- Multiphase reactors and new reaction media
- New reactor structures: from micro to milli and macro
- Process dynamics and safety
- Process intensification in reaction engineering
- Reaction and bio-reaction engineering of renewables
- Reaction engineering crossing the boundaries
- Education session: what to teach in the future
- Download the Scientific Programme here
- Download Oral programme
- Download posters programme
- General information
- Scientific committee: members of EFCE Working Party in Chemical Reaction Engineering and members from American and Asia-Pacific area
- Local organising committee: selected co-workers from Johan Gadolin Process Chemistry Centre (PCC) of Åbo Akademi University
- President of the Scientific and Organization committee: Academy Professor Tapio Salmi (Academy of Finland and Åbo Akademi)
- Dr. Bryan Patel, Exxon
- Dr Alan Stottlemyer, Dow Chemical Company
- Professor Praveen Bollini, University of Houston
- Matias Alvear Cabezón (Wisconsin-Madison)
- Tommaso Cogliano (Rome)
- Adriana Freites Aguilera (Turku/Åbo)
- Mouad Hachhach (Turku/Åbo)
- Javier Ibanez Abad (Stockholm)
- Mark Martinez Klimov (Turku/Åbo)
- Wander Perez Sena (Turku/Åbo & Rouen)
- Ole Reinsdorf (Piteå)
- Soudabeh Saeid (Pasadena)
- Nemanja Vucetic (Turku/Åbo)
- American Advisory Board
- Young Doctors’ Advisory Board
Key Dates and Fees
- Abstract submission opens: October 5, 2023
- Abstract submission: Extended to February 25, 2024)
- Notification of acceptance: March 20 2024
- Early bird payment deadline: May 1st 2024
- Conference fees:
- 500 euro (standard, early bird), after May 1st, 750 euro
- 400 euro (graduate and undergraduate students, early bird), after May 1st, 550 euro
- Registration fee includes Welcome reception, lunches and Conference dinner
- Payment of the registration fee is the final registration for the conference. Payment options are international Credit/Debit card or Finnish internet banking.
- Pay registration fee here: A new window opens, fill in your name, affiliation, contact details and special diet, approve and click submit, choose payment method.
- Please note, a receipt is sent to you by e-mail when you pay by card , if you don't find it in your inbox Please check the spam box too.
Abstract Submission
- Abstract submission opens: October 5 2023
- Abstract template can be downloaded here
- Follow the instructions in the abstract template for formatting. Abstract length is 2 pages, upload abstract in pdf format
- Choose Upload Abstract/Login, fill in all details and create your account. Login and upload your abstract file (.pdf). You can later on login and follow the review process of your abstract. If you need to update or correct your abstract plase send an email to
- Abstract acceptance and presentation form (Oral/Poster) will be announced by March 20 2024 by e-mail and login to abstract submission system.
- Please note! If you log in to your account the status column to the right of "Requested contribution" and "Approved contribution", if the Status says "Approved" it means approved and distributed to the symposia. The column "Approved contribution" will be set after the abstract review process where oral/poster presentations are distributed.
Social Programme
- Welcome reception on Sunday 16.6.2024, starting 19:00h in the brewery restaurant Koulu (School), address: Eerikinkatu 11 / Eriksgatan 11 in the downtown)
- Banquet in medieval Turku Castle Tuesday 18.6.2024, 20:15-24:00. Bus transport to the castle from the Turku Dome (back side of the dome, Rothoviuksenkatu 1) starts at 19:45. Bus transport back from the castle starts at 00:10 to Turku downtown (Linnankatu 16 / Slottsgatan 16)
- Post-conference excursion to the historical city of Naantali-Nådendal-Vallis Gratie Thursday, June 20.
The excursion will start from Aura river in Turku/Åbo in the morning, at 11:00, at the street Linnankatu/Slottsgatan 40 as a cruising with the steam ship ‘Ukkopekka’
in the wonderful archipelago of Southwestern Finland (2h) to the summer capital of the historical town Naantali-Nådendal-Vallis Gratie. The program in Naantali consists of a round walk,
museum visit and a snack. Return by bus in afternoon or evening (upon selection).
The price for the excursion is 50 euro and will be paid on spot or by bank transfer to the account given in the registration form. Observe that the number of participants is limited to approx. 150.
Register for post conference excursion. . In the form fill in Name, e-mail, I will attend and click the "Save" button. No confirmation e-mail sent to you. - Photos from Welcome reception
- Photos from poster session
- Photos from castle dinner

- An exhibition is organized in connection to ISCRE 28
- The exhibition will take place on June 17-19, 2024 at the Logomo Conference Center. The exhibition will be open during the symposium hours (Monday to Wednesday)
- The fee for a standard exhibition booth is 250 euro if agreed by 30.4.2024. After this date the fee will be 350 euro. All Exhibitors must also pay the registration fee.
- If you would like to take part in the exhibition, please fill in the exhibition contract and send it by e-mail to Kari Eränen at the address below. The exhibition contract can be found in the following link: Exhibition contract
- If you need more information regarding the exhibition please contact: Dr. Kari Eränen, Åbo Akademi, Laboratory of Industrial chemistry and reaction engineering, Henriksgatan 2, FI-20500 Turku, Finland E-mail: